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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bret Michaels – Tough Love ft. Nissan NCV

Bret Michaels - Nissan "The Shaker Machine" NCV

This is hilarious. And very Bret.  And one of the million reason why I love this guy. He does not take himself too seriously, ever, and he just simply has a good time! ALL the time. Well .... I'm sure even Bret has his bad moments but anyway .....)


And if you go to their YouTube channel, there are a lot more clips of Bret there
I will be posting them eventually, but here is the link anyway: Nissan YouTube - Bret Michaels Commercials

Thursday, July 10, 2014

TBT - Poison Pre-CC!

Throwback Thursday it is, and again with the help of this website, , I have found some old Poison posters/photos.

Today, I've chosen to post a few photos that were taken before CC DeVille join the band.
(Heck, yesterday I posted a song from "Native Tongue" without CC on it, I may as well continue the trend and go back in time with the same result today:) )

Below are some Poison photos with Bret Michaels, Bobby Dall, Rikki Rockett and Matt Smith (guitarist pre-CC).

I love these posters. It just makes me wish I was here back then to see them but that was not my destiny :)
What I lack in years as a fan I've more than made up for in passion :-) We can safely say I'm up to speed.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Favorite Poison Song - Theatre of the Soul

Favorite Poison Song

I'm a little torn regarding my favorite Poison album, because CC Deville was not on this album, Richie Kotzen did the guitar work on this one, very excellent I might add and what a voice on that man!

Nevertheless, I love love LOVE this Poison album! It has so many great songs, more of a bluesy type of vibe than before and I'm sure the introduction of Richie may have had something to do with that.  Bret has has recorded a lot of blues-type songs, both before and after, and I do love that style for him and his voice.

"Theatre of the Soul" is my favorite Poison song, and I can't find a better video for it than the one below ... I know this album was less popular due to CC not being on there, so maybe there wasn't a lot of effort made to make a video for it.

Monday, July 7, 2014

My Favorite Bret Michaels Concert ♥

My Favorite Bret Michaels Concert ♥

This weekend, I had the pleasure of attending a kickass Def Leppard/KISS concert, and it, of course, rocked!!
Going to concerts always makes me remember and reflect on BMB/Poison concerts I have attended through the years, and below is my favorite Bret Michaels concert experience.

(Now -- my single most awesome concert going experience was of course meeting Bret at the Canyon Club in Agoura Hills, where I finally got my arm & tattoo signed and it was an awesome concert as well, however the one I'm writing about below is extra special and I can pretty much guarantee that only hardcore fans ended up attending this one! :)  )
I've of course seen Bret in concert quite a few times by now ... both with Poison and solo concerts.  They are ALL great concerts.  I'll say this, Poison and Bret bring it 300% every single time, they never disappoint.  I love it.
When you think of your favorite concerts that you remember going to, oftentimes it's the big name, big ticket concerts that come to mind.   My favorite concert, hands down, was Cheap Trick, followed by Poison .... followed by Def Leppard.  It was 2009 I believe, Irvine Meadows/Verizon Amphitheater and I have yet to come down from the high of this concert, it was kick-ass.

THAT ... however .... despite being the bar to beat, as far as talent and big bands that all bring it on stage type of concert, that was not my favorite Bret Michaels/Poison concert.   My favorite Bret Michaels show took place in 2010. It was actually postponed once, but well worth the wait.
The venue was the UCLA tennis court. Yes, that's right! Very strange place for a concert.  It was threatening to rain as we drove out there, and at the time, we had never been to this venue and weren't sure if it was inside or outside .... well ... rain or shine.... it was outside.
It started drizzling as we walked in, no big deal.  I had my trusty Poison hoodie on which protects me from a lot of things, among those things are rain and cold temperatures.
We walked around the venue a bit.  Caught a glimpse of Bret as he made an appearance in the VIP tent.  The venue was small enough that we could stand on the outside of the tent and look in, and personally, that is the closest I had ever been to Bret Michaels ever .... so I was happy.
We checked out the merchandise booth, probably bought a shirt (I always do lol.... just call me a sucker...) and when we walked back to our seats, who comes down the hallway but Bret Michaels himself.  I'm not going to lie, I totally froze and then his security guard told everyone to stand back because Bret had to get ready for his show, and I froze even more, if that was possible.  Bret, however, can take his time if he wants to and he did.  He shook hands with everyone as he walked down the hallway and get this .... he INTRODUCED HIMSELF!!! He said "Hi ... I'm Bret Michaels".   I was floored. Well .... more like frozen to the floor, yet floored.
I think that was the day when I decided that getting a tattoo of Bret was definitely a possibility. I was in awe over this world famous rock star who was walking down the small corridors of the UCLA tennis court, shaking hands with everyone and introducing himself, when he could just as well have breezed by like he owned the world and not given anybody the time of day.  Trust me .... plenty of rock stars would not have done this, and they certainly wouldn't introduce themselves .... because everybody already know who they are of course!
That moment just showed me what kind of person Bret is.  Don't get me wrong, I still don't idolize him by thinking he is perfect, he is not.  But it showed me a humble side of him, a humble and polite side .... It told me that despite him being Bret Michaels, he still hasn't forgotten the manners that his mama taught him.
Just thinking back to it right now gives me goosebumps, it was just a great few minutes of my life that left a big impact.
NOW ... as exciting as this was... that sighting alone does NOT a "best concert ever" experience make. No.
When we got back out to our seats, the rain had picked up considerably, and of course, they ran out of plastic ponchos.  A lot of seats were empty so I realized that that the only people who had still made it out to this concert in the rain were die-hard rock'n roll fans.  The opening band for Bret was TESLA.  At the time, I did not know Tesla very well, but by the end of their act, I was a Tesla fan.   I really loved their raw talent, also a very very humble band with huge talent, and Jeff Keith is just a fantastic singer and a fantastic human being and there was just something about this singer that instantly made me a fan from the moment he set foot on the stage.
Part of what made this concert so fantastic was that I discovered the #2 band on my rock'nroll VIP favorites list. (If YOU have to ask who is number one .... well .... keep reading :P)
Anyway.... Tesla ended their awesome act, and by now it was raining. It was no longer a drizzle, it was rain.  I had paper towels to wipe the seats down, and I hadn't been standing on my feet much during the Tesla act so paper towels worked great on the droplets on my seat right then, however when Bret Michaels took the stage, I was standing up more than I was sitting down, and the puddles on the seat were simply too much to handle for the poor paper towels, so it was no use trying to dry the seats off.
Despite the lack of audience and the rain, Bret, as usual, gave 300%!  He HAD to know .... that the people who were there, standing there soaking, not in the sun shine but in the rain, were his die-hard fans.  And it made me feel good, looking around at other fans like myself, knowing in my heart and soul that they didn't care at all if they were soaked to the skin ... they were there to see Bret, that was all that mattered.
Once the concert was finished... (and yes, soaked as we were ... we DID demand an encore and he DID give us what we wanted), my husband and I went to one of our favorite, although slightly pricey, diners, Jerry's Deli.  The Century City one even, that is our favorite Jerry's.  We don't go to Jerry's very often, it's a bit far for us and also a little pricey, but boy OH BOY do we enjoy ourselves when we get to treat ourselves to Jerry's Deli :)  (And my absolute must-have item at Jerry's Deli is a large black and white cookie.....mmmmm!)
We walked in to Jerry's, looking like drenched rats from the concert and now that I was no longer dancing around to the best rock'n roll in the world, I was also getting a little cold.  The hostess couldn't believe we'd sat through the concert in the rain (obviously not a hardcore rocker, but I'm not holding that against her....or against Jerry's ....).
I ordered one of my Jerry's Deli favorites, the beef stroganoff and to my horror .... they were SOLD OUT of black and white cookies!!!! The nerve!!
The Black and White cookie .... Yum♥♥
The waiter took mercy on me and he actually gave me 2 free cookies (of my choice) on the house since they were out of the black and whites and at that point, I was obviously a very disappointed, sorry-looking drenched rat without a black and white cookie ..... I mean, who wouldn't take pity on someone like that. lol.
Despite the lack of black and white cookies and the lack of dry clothes, I was a happy camper at the end of the night.  The rain, the discovery of a new favorite band .... the encounter with my very very very favorite rocker in the entire universe..... the puddles of water on my seat ...... Jerry's Deli ....
The thing is, everyone has been to a kick-ass concert like Cheap Trick/Poison/Def Leppard.  Most big rock concerts are kick-ass in fact.  This was just another experience, and hands down, it was the best Bret Michaels concert I have ever been to.  It's the kind of event that you laugh to yourself when you think back to it ..... and you shake your head at your own persistence as you stand there in the rain to see your favorite band ..... and you smile at random episodes that helped make this such a unique and wonderful experience.
I love every Bret Michaels and Poison concerts.  But out of all the concerts that I have loved so far ..... I loved this one the most.

Note: All these Bret Michaels photos were taken in December 2010 at a concert in Riverside, CA .... sadly, I have NO photos from my favorite Bret Michaels concert because it was raining and it was dark and they all came out blurry and sad.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Bret Michaels - TBT

It's easy to find TBT (throwback thursday) photos of Bret, but you really have to scour the internet to find any that date this far back.  These I found around the internet due to his Rock My RV TV show, and I've also seen these on his Facebook page so I knew they were out there somewhere.  I just had to get my google detective hat on to recover and save them for this blog.

I think as it's approaching the 4th of July, these TV pictures and family pictures of Bret are quite appropriate for the season.  I'm not sure specificaly when these photos were taken, but judging from colors and clothing, I'd say 1970s :)

Bret Michaels and his Grandfather in front of the family RV.

Bret Michaels in front of his family's Winnebago
Bret Michaels with his little sister, Nicole.  Motorcycle habit started early :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Bret Michaels Salad!

Yeah! We finally have something to pair with the yummy Trop-A-Rocka! (Well, at least if you live in Pittsburgh ... I'm not sure if this salad will be available anywhere else?)

Bret's hometown, Butler Pennsylvania, declared today, July 2nd, Bret Michaels Day and the Hard Rock Cafe in Pittsburgh, in addition to put his Steelers guitar on the wall, also created a salad in his name.

The Bret Michaels Nicoise Salad:

Grilled tuna on a bed of bibb (aka butterhead or limestone) lettuce and mixed greens with green beans, cannellini beans, hardboiled egg, olives, grape tomatoes and radishes.  

Served with a Lemon Dijon dressing.

The Salad is $14.50 and a portion of the salad sales will go to Bret Michaels Life Rocks Foundation
(I will cover the foundation on its own in one of the daily blog posts, no worries. )

Sounds delicious, makes me want a salad for lunch.


Here is a current photo of Bret, from his Bret Michaels Facebook page, at the Hard Rock and you can see his Steelers guitar on the wall next to him.  I always figured the Pittsburgh Hard Rock would have an entire Poison/BMB section in their restaurant, seeing as Bret is their homeboy.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bret Michaels - PlayGirl Magazine

PLAYGIRL August 1993

This doesn't need much of an explanation, does it?

I am currently pondering purchasing a back issue of this magazine, and if I do, I may be inclined to shas alsre some of it here.  For now, here's the cover.

(Bret was also in December 1991 Playgirl magazine, but not featured on the cover)

Monday, June 30, 2014

Bret Michaels Early Bands: Spectres and Paris

In a time where there weren't cellphones with built-in cameras everywhere, I give all the credit for the info and photos below to the webpage -- that is where I FINALLY found some pictures of the early Bret Michaels bands, Spectres (formed in 1979 with Rikki Rockett) and Paris (formed in 1983 with Rikki Rockett, Matt Smith and Bobby Dall.)

Bret Michaels' first band, "Laser", was formed in Bret's basement and probably doesn't have many photos attached to its name and existence (however if there ARE some out there, please share! :) )

I've heard some songs from "Paris" but none from "Spectres" so I'd love to come across some of those tracks someday.

Anyway, below are some photos that I finally was able to dig up, from Bret's Spectres and Paris days.
I love it :)  I know people, including celebs I imagine, don't like seeing outdated photos of themselves, but to me, as to any Bret/Poison fan I imagine, these are treasures :)

SPECTRES - formed by Rikki Rockett and Bret Michaels.

I don't know when these photos are from, but somewhere between 1979 and 1983.

(And is it me, or has Rikki not changed at all through the years? I mean, his hairstyle has changed a lot but I can pretty much recognize his photos no matter how far back they go :) )


Upper Left: Bobby Dall, Upper Right: Matt Smith
Bottom Left: Rikki Rockett, Bottom Right: Bret Michaels

($3 to rock with Bret???? The boy has come a looooong way since $3 a ticket!!)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Big Chicken Breasts!

I was out to lunch today when the TV all of a suddenly started blasting "Nothin' But a Good Time" behind me.  Naturally I turned my head, expecting to see a Poison video of some sort, but alas, that was not the case!

The irony of Bret Michaels/Poison in a commercial for big chicken breasts is not lost on me ;-) lol.
I do love Carl JR (Or Hardees, as it's called elsewhere in the country) so the combination of Carl's JR and Poison is a win-win in my book.

No Bret photo in this blog, but plenty of big breasts.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Bret Michaels and Motorcycles

Bret Michaels and Motorcycles

I went to urgent care one night, wearing a Bret Michaels t-shirt and he told me he'd hung out with Bret at a motocross event once.  He told me what a great guy Bret was, really fun and down to earth guy, which seems to be the word on the street about Bret among the people that have met him. (Which now includes myself ... and I can verify it :) )
It's wonderful that my Bret Michaels t-shirts (and now my Bret tattoo) inspire people to tell me all kinds of stories about Bret.  And they're all positive! (Except for some jealous, insecure guy once in awhile who sarcastically keep bringing up Bret wearing makeup and hair extensions and blah blah blah lol .... Whatever, get over it guys ...)

Anyway, fearful as I am of these motorcycles, just because I have several friends who own them and they have ALL been in one or multiple accidents with their bikes, I must admit that Bret looks extremely good atop the iron steeds.

It's Saturday night and I think Bret fans wouldn't mind feasting their eyes upon some motorcycle pics.
I also suggest turning on "Ride the Wind", either on your stereo or find it on YouTube, while watching the photos.  It's a great addition =)  Enjoy!